Akhir" ntah knp tiba" aku jd berjiwa petualang gt. huhu.. dr yg namanya pengen ikut homestay [pdhl dulu ga pernah pengen kyk ginian!], part time [ada yg mau bantu? di PRJ mungkin. hehe..], sampe ke bizniz"an, dari yg namanya di real n' di internet jg. huhuhu..
Nah yg aku lg pengen bicarain yah ttg bisnis nih.. coz otakku jg lg ke isi ginian trus. pdhl dah mo ujian. huhuhu.. ini gara"nya ngeliat postingannya kk Joni ttg profesi menjadi penulis blog.. jd tertarik de. hehe.. apalagi wkt itu aku jg ditawarin jd member suatu company yg cari" member laen gitu [lg ngetrend nih kyknya skrg..] oleh 2 temenku dr company yg berbeda.. truz.. aku jg liat web nya cc Shirei di Easy step to earn money ttg cari duit lewat internet jg.. jd aku pengen coba" de.. tapi aku masi blm sepenuhnya ngerti sih.. soalnya jg baru ngeliat" doank kmrn. hehe.. hari ini jg pas blogwalking, pas aku berkunjung ke blognya Galih n' om Budhie ada postingan ttg web" yg bisa dpt in duit.. Mau ikutan nyoba?

n' td aku baru buka" emailku.. truz ada bbrp email dr org yg berbeda, tapi isinya ampir sama.. tapi krn dlm bhs inggris.. aku jd ga gitu ngerti. huhu.. isinya kira" begini :
I am Mr James West, personal Assistant to the Branch Manager of Bank Of Africa
(BOA)Ouagadougou Burkina Faso I want to inquire from you if you can handle this transactionfor mutual benefits/life opportunity for you and me.
The transaction is about seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin/ beneficiary of the US$15 million dollars, and who is a customer to the bank where i work.
He died in along with his family during their vacation journey the Fund is currently in a suspense account awaiting claim, the bank made a public notice that they are ready to release this fund to any of his relatives abroad.
In that regard, i decided to seek your consent for this prospective opportunity.
Have it at the back of your mind, that the transaction does not involve any risk and does not need much engagement from you, since i am familiar with this kind of transaction being an insider.
Necessary modalities will be worked out to enable us carry out the fund claim under a legitimate arrangement.
I have resolved to offer you 30% of the total fund, 10% for sundry expenses that maybe incurred during the process of executing this transaction and 60% percent for me.
I will give you more details about the transaction when I receive your affirmative response
via my email address.
ga ngerti de apaan.. huhu..